Annonce de la mission de chirurgie plastique et réparatrice 2022

Plastic and reconstructive surgery mission

The SCL is organising,with Interplast-France a plastic and reconstructive surgery mission from 19 au 26 Mars 2022. For the benefit of the workers and surrounding population.

The surgeons will treat, after a consultation, lumps under the skin (lipomas, cysts, etc.) or on the skin (dysesthetic keloids), burns and other badly healed wounds (scarring), harelip, etc.

Registration has started and is ongoing at the 3 infirmaries.

  • Diama Infirmary— Contact Registration: 70 573 22 50
  • Infirmary Savoigne— Contact Registration: 70 630 38 33
  • Infirmary Ngalam— Contact Registration: 70 408 64 57

The last two missions carried out in 2019 and 2018:
